Thursday, August 9, 2012

Atkins - Day 9

Hi All!

So for those who don't know me, while I am a self professed "foodie" I do need to monitor what I eat because I tend to gravitate to sweets such as yummy cakes and pastries. I seriously have a mean sweet tooth! Once I have a treat aka "SUGAR" it's basically over. It consumes my thoughts and I find myself planning out my day around searching for my favorite sweets. So I've made a choice to start with what I know. And for me it's the Atkins plan. Low carb, low sugar, high protein, plenty of veggies. Yup, that's what works for me!  

I started Atkins last September and was successful at losing 40lbs in about 5 months. But due to events in my life I fell off track and dove right into the open arms of pastries and sweets and sugary drinks. And folks, it's no joke when I tell you that sugar addiction is real. I gained 10lbs of the 40lbs I lost and have felt myself creeping back to my original weight. After a few "heart to heart" conversations I decided that August 1st would be the month I rededicate myself to changing my eating habits and working on losing this extra weight. My goal is to lose another 40lbs and I know that I can do it because I NEED to do it. 

As of 8/1 I've lost 8lbs and that's motivating enough for me. I understand that my body is different from anyone else and that I react differently to certain foods. Unless it's made with natural sugars, I can't eat it!

I'm taking it one day at a time. And I hope that this post will reach whoever needs some motivation in their life. I know that what works for me may not work for everyone but I love to encourage and to be encouraged. 

Til my next post... 

Monday, August 6, 2012

An Introduction...

Hi and thanks for stopping by my page! 

I attempted to blog this time last year and only had about 5 entries. Last year was pretty busy for me and my fiancee with planning a move and career changes, I kind of lost track. There's so much I love to talk about and rarely do I get the chance to sit down and write out my thoughts, so this is great for me. I plan on blogging more often and about the things that I'm passionate about. Being a freelance Makeup Artist and a Beauty Advisor helps me help others who aren't as savvy with all the products out there. I love to research the current trends and keep up to date with product launches and then pass that information forward. I love to talk makeup! I also have a passion for food. I trained in Culinary and Pastry Arts and my fiancee, a Chef, really helps me stay in tune with everything going on in the Restaurant Scene. This blog will reflect the combination of both Beauty and Gastronomy. My two passions.

Stay tuned...